On-Field Assessment and Treatment

Management of medical events and injuries of the athlete during play begins before the event occurs with proper preparation.

The list of potential problems is long, ranging from a cardiovascular events or an asthma attack to a severe head injury or musculoskeletal trauma.

At Arthro One, each team member is highly experienced, trained and qualified to manage the potential life-, limb- or organ threatening injuries that need immediate attention. It is important to “clear” each step before moving the player off the field and returning the player back to play.

Clearing a player for return to play involves determining whether the athlete can participate in the sport safely, can play effectively and can perform pain-free. We use evidence-based protocols followed internationally to assess and treat on-field events and injuries.

It is our responsibility in accordance with the team management to determine further management for the fallen athlete. Options include:

  • Sending the patient to the hospital for treatment or further investigations

  • Taking the player out of play and arranging follow-up

  • Observing player on the sidelines for potential return to play

  • Returning the athlete to play

It is our responsibility in accordance with the team management to determine further management for the fallen athlete. Options include:

  • Sending the patient to the hospital for treatment or further investigations

  • Taking the player out of play and arranging follow-up

  • Observing player on the sidelines for potential return to play

  • Returning the athlete to play

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